
  • The Boy Next Door Wattpad Pdf
    카테고리 없음 2020. 3. 4. 02:57

    By LizzySource:.Chapter 1He’d had a diaper fetish for as long as he could remember, and had learned to live with it as an adult. It had taken years to accept it as part of himself as it had started when he was very young. He never knew why, but as a child, he always had a strange obsession with diapers and a desire to wear them. He never actually had access to real baby diapers when he was that youngat least not before the age of 13. He would indulge his desires by making fake diapers out of anything that would work, using towels, tissues, plastic garbage bags and tape, anything that he could fashion into a diaper. The desires became even stronger as he approached puberty.Nearly every night after bed time when alone in his room, he would find a way to wear his fake diapers.

    He would wait until he was sure his parents were asleep and there was no threat of being disturbed, then he would put on his fake diaper. He didn’t know what He was doing at the time, only that it felt good, it felt right; it felt like something he needed to do. Finally one night when he was 12, he had his first climax while wearing one of the fake diapers.He had filled his underwear with two stacks of Kleenex tissues, one in the front, one in the back, and He was humping his pillow. The pillow humping was something new; he had started doing that several months earlier because he had started to get boners when thinking of diapers and while wearing the fake diapers at night.

    Of course at the time he had no idea why he liked doing this, he just knew that it made him feel really good down there. On that particular night, it made him feel really, really good. He didn’t know what he had done and was actually a bit scared at first he thought “did I just pee?” and “what is this sticky stuff?” The release had felt amazing, but immediately afterwards he felt a wave of shame and embarrassment.

    He needed to get the fake diaper off right away, He felt so stupid lying there with tissues stuffed into his underwear.He removed the wads of tissue from his underwear right away and hid them in a plastic bag which he then shoved between his mattress and box spring. He lay there in bed wondering what was wrong with him and why he liked diapers so much, he told himself he would stop thinking about them and be a normal kid. That didn’t happen, the very next night he was humping his pillow again and ejaculating into another wad of tissues, all the time imagining that he was wearing a thick soft crinkly Pamper.This behavior continued almost nightly through his early teens, he even managed to sneak a couple of real Pampers from an unattended baby stroller once. They didn’t fit, but stuffing them inside his underwear and humping in them was amazing. The waves of shame and guilt still consumed him after every climax, but his urges were so strong that even after experiencing climax followed by shamesome nightsten minutes later he would be humping the diaper again and experiencing the climax and shame all over again.He couldn’t stop himself. He didn’t know why he liked it, and often thought he was crazy, but he always thought there had to be other kids out there that had this interest too.

    Nevertheless, he kept it a deep dark secret always worried what his friends or family might think if they knew. Never in his wildest dreams could he have imagined that he would meet someone who not only shared his desires, but could also help him explore them in a way no one would believe possible. Chapter 2In the summer of his 16th year, new neighbors moved in. They had been there just over a week, but he hadn’t met them yet as they seemed to come and go quite a bit. He figured they were busy getting settled and would be ready to meet their neighbors soon enough. His parents had said that it was just a woman and her daughter who, as it turned out, was his same age and would be attending his school when it began next week.It was a Friday morning; this would be the last weekend of summer vacation.

    It was raining, and he sat looking out his window wondering what to do with his day when his eyes caught something that perked his attention immediately. Sitting on the curb next to the new neighbors full trash cans was a large white and orange box with the unmistakable “Pampers” brand name and happy baby face. He knew that box anywhere and could easily spot it from 30 yards away.“What is that doing there?” he thought, “Could there still be diapers in that box?” he wondered. He desperately wanted to go out and investigate, but even with the rain, it was broad daylight. What would people think if they saw him snooping in the neighbor’s trash?

    Garbage pickup was not until Monday, the box would be sitting on the curb all weekend taunting him.As the day went on, he couldn’t take his mind off the box; he even found a pair of binoculars so he could get a closer look. The box was open, and probably empty, but the cardboard flap at the top had not been completely torn off. “Maybe it was an old box that the previous owner had left behind?” he thought. He knew that couldn’t be the case, the previous owners had been an older couple whose children were grown and lived far away. “Maybe they had grandchildren who had visited and the diapers belonged to them?” he thought, but he could never remember seeing any visitors with babies or toddlers at the house.The rain continued, “What a way to spend the last Friday of summer vacation.” He thought. He spent the day indoors, listening to music, talking with friends on the phone, watching TV, but all the while his thoughts kept returning to the Pampers box on the curb. He desperately wanted to see it up close, he knew it had to be empty, why would someone put a box of unused diapers in the trash?

    After several more viewings of the box through his binoculars, he decided that he would check it out that evening.He would be walking into town just after dark to meet some friends and hang out. None of them knew what they would be doing that night, but something always came up. Kids his age would always gather in the park near the fire house and someone would always know where the party was. Otherwise they would just hang out in the park, chatting, smoking, skate boarding etc.

    This would go on until about 10PM when the local police would tell them it’s time to leave the park. It was a “you don’t have to go home but you can’t stay here” kind of thing.

    He wasn’t a smoker or a skate boarder for that matter, but the park was the place to be if you wanted any kind of summer social life.He hoped there would be no big party that evening so that he could just walk home around 10 by himself and get a closer look at the supposedly empty Pampers box on the curb. He would get a quick look at it on his way into town, but later that evening on his way back, under the cover of full darkness, he would be able to do a real inspection.The rain had stopped around seven, it was still overcast but the forecast called for clearing skies later that evening. He decided not to bring any rain gear. He told his mother he was going out to meet up with some friends, she told him not to be too late as she always did, and he said he’d call her from a pay phone if he’d be out past 10. This was their rule, and by following it, he assured himself that his parents would always trust him. That trust provided him a curfew free summer.At eight PM he left the house. It was late August, the sun was setting earlier now but there was still a fair amount of twilight at that time of the evening.

    He glanced at the neighbor’s house for any signs of activity. The lights were on in the kitchen, he saw a woman through the window, and she appeared to be washing dishes. “That’s the mother” he thought. There was no sign of the girl, he hadn’t seen her yet and wondered what she looked like. He hoped she was attractive. He briefly fantasized about how nice it would be to have a cute girl next door in his same class to walk to school withamong other things.After confirming there was nobody on the street or out on their porches, he casually walked to the end of his driveway, turned right and walked right past the neighbors trash cans. He gave the box of Pampers a slight kick as he walked.

    It moved easily but gave a bit of resistance to his kick towards the bottom of the box. “Not completely empty” he thought. Now his curiosity was driving him mad. He desperately wanted to look inside the box, but now was not the time. He would have to endure at least two more hours of maddening fantasies before he could have a look.He got to the park and found several of his friends already there. They sat around and talked about the upcoming school year. It was a conversation he’d had before, which teachers they hoped to have, what sports they might try out forif they would join a club or some other extracurricular activityand girls, they always talked about girls.

    Who was hot, who was not, who they would love to go out with, etc. He eventually decided to fill his friends in on the new girl that had moved in next door to him.His friends were intrigued, they all wanted to know about her. The prospect of meeting a new girl first was always a strong desire to boys his age. If you could get to her before everyone else and hopefully catch her interest you were ahead in the game of life.

    The Boy Next Door Wattpad Pdf

    His friends were very disappointed with his lack of information about this new girl, they all teased him and told him to get a move on and meet the new neighbors. He assured them he would.The evening went on with little activity, there was a party on the far side of town, but without access to a car, it was not an option, way too far to walk too. At 10pm like clockwork, the police cruiser arrived and the officers politely told them that the park was closed and it was time to move on. Some of his friends were going to walk to the late night diner and get some food; he made an excuse and headed home instead.He was moving fast now, more anxious than ever to investigate the prize on the curb. He reached the bend in the road just up from his neighbor’s house; he could see the trashcans ahead and paused in the darkness between street lights to look for signs of life. The street was empty, he could see the lights of houses, and TV’s turned on, numbing their viewers on a late summer evening. He caught movement on the new neighbor’s front porch.

    It was the girl.From his distance, he could see that she was probably about his height, thin, with long hair the color of which he couldn’t make out in the darkness. Then he heard her, she was singing. The voice hit his eardrums and locked him in a trance. It was beautiful.

    He stood fixed in the darkness staring at the girl’s form moving in the darkness on the porch. She spun and danced slowly, singing to herself. He could see what appeared to be a Walkman in her hand. He knew the song she sang, but couldn’t pull the artist or title out of his head, she was his only thought. Her voice was amazing and it seemed to take control of him. He felt as if he needed to go to her, as if she were calling to himthe words “Please, come see mein time you’ll want to be herein time you’ll want to stay here” ran through his mind.He shook himself out of his trance and stepped to the side of the road, remaining in the shadows. The song was over.

    He watched as the girl turned once to look out at the street, then opened the front door and went inside. He waited for what seemed like an eternity, wondering if she would return.

    After about 10 minutes time he proceeded to his target.The trashcans and box of Pampers were out of the glare of the street light affording him some cover of darkness. He glanced around again to make sure he was alone, then quickly walked right up to the box. He lifted the cardboard flap and the stench of used diapers hit his nose immediately. He flinched and waved his hand in front of his nose. The smell was a disappointment, he had hoped to find unused diapers in the box, but this discovery presented a bigger mystery.The bottom of the box contained several rolled and taped up clearly used diapers.

    The stench of stale urine and feces was strong. Had this box really come from the neighbor’s house? Was it possible that his parents didn’t have all the info? Was it a mother, a daughter, and a toddler in the house? He wanted answers, he was determined to get them and decided that tomorrow he would introduce himself.

    The Boy Next Door Wattpad Pdf

    The Boy Next Door Wattpad Pdf File

    As he turned toward home again he felt a sudden chill, as if he were being watched. He stepped away from the trashcans back into the darker shadows. Looking around he saw no one, the night was quiet but he still felt strange, as if he were not alone, after a moment he made his way quickly up the driveway and into his house.From the window of her dark bedroom the girl could see him clearly; a gift of her kind.

    The darkness provided no cover to her prey. He was cute, she thought, well built and handsome. He had taken the bait and she could sense his curiosity. Now she wanted to dazzle him, give him one last curiosity to keep him up late. She watched as he returned to his house, she knew he’d be looking out his window at the box on the curb one last time before he went to bed. She knew that even though he had found it full of used diapers, his lust for diapers was so strong that just the box on the curb would hold his attention until it was finally hauled away.

    The Boy Next Door Wattpad Pdf File

    She knew the lust too and had already explored it in ways that he would find unbelievable.“Onetwothree.” She counted to herself, timing the exact moment that he would appear in his own darkened bedroom window. There was no hiding from her eyesight. She turned to her side to present a silhouette to the outside world, and with a wave of her hands her bedroom lights came on. She was now visible to him. This was not her only trick, she wanted him to hear, and he would.

    She waved her hand again. “Showtime” she thought.He stood at his window and gasped as he saw the light come on next door. The girl stood in the window, and she was beautiful.

    Her hair, he could now see, was red, a gorgeous deep red. He stepped back hiding himself slightly behind the window frame. He didn’t think she could see him there in the dark, but the slight shame he felt at his voyeurism forced the reaction. He watched as she appeared to pace back in forth in front of the window. He wondered what she was doing, she appeared to be doing everything, and nothing at all. One moment she picked up a piece of clothing that he couldn’t make out and appeared to be folding it. The next moment she appeared to be lost in her thoughtslooking for something.“Baby girl, its bedtime sweetie” He heard the words clearlythey seemed off in the distance, yet were coming from her room, and he heard them just fine.

    “How can I hear them?” He thought. The window was closed, the AC was on, and her window too appeared to be closed.

    It almost seemed as if the words were inside his head. As if he was imagining them.“Ok mom” The girl replied. He was dumbfounded, how was he hearing this? Before he could think any further on the matter, the mother appeared in the girl’s room. “Come on sweetie; let’s get you ready for bed.” The mother said, the words, clear as a bell in his head.

    “Am I dreaming?” he asked himself, and then pinched his arm and slapped his face to disprove his new theory. He watched as the girl and mother left the room. Her light was still on, why had she not pulled the shade? Did she know he could see into her room?

    That he had a glimpse into her world? And why did the mother need to help her get ready for bed? She was his age, certainly capable of doing that task on her own.All these thoughts raced through his head, but the one that baffled and shocked him most was that he could hear them almost perfectly. The room was empty now, he looked around the neighborhood, fixing his gaze on other houses down the street, focusing, trying to hear other conversations. There was nothing. He shook his head in disbelief.After about 10 minutes, there was more movement in the girl’s room, and what he saw now made his jaw drop.

    The mother had returned, and she was carrying a small child, a girl of no more than 5 or 6 years old, a girl with deep red hair. The child was wearing a pink tee shirt, and to his astonishment, a thick disposable diaper. Where had she come from? Where was the girl?The mother and child disappeared beyond the window frame, out of his view.

    A moment later the mother walked past the window alone. “Sleep well baby girl” he heard the mother say as she walked out of the room and turned off the light.He stood in the darkness completely confused. Where had the girl gone? Where had that little girl come from, and why was she in a diaper? She looked old enough to be out of them. He stood by his window for a full hour before finally climbing into bed.

    His mind was racing, he couldn’t get his thoughts off of what he’d seen, the thought of diapers sparked his urges and soon he was in the middle of his pillow humping ritual.As he reached his climax, the girl next door smiled happily. Lying in her bed she snuggled a teddy bear and let out a slight moan as she felt his satisfaction match her own and her diaper swell with warm wetness. “He’s the one” she thought as she smiled and drifted off to sleep.

    Chapter 3His night had been filled with dreams; dreams of the red haired girl, dreams of wearing diapers, dreams of wearing diapers with the red haired girl. When he woke the memory of what he had seen last night was all he could think of.

    Who was the little girl? Why hadn’t anyone known about a younger child in the house? Why hadn’t he seen the red haired girl return to her room after the mother and younger child had entered the room?He glanced at his clock, 10AM. He had slept late. It was Saturday morning, the last Saturday before school began. He wanted answers.

    He wanted to meet this strange red haired girl and find out everything he could about her and her family. He leapt out of bed and walked to his window. His eyes moved quickly to the neighbor’s trashcans, the box of Pampers was still there.“At least those weren’t a dream” he said to himself. He went through his morning routine, brushed his teeth, answered natures call, and showered. After dressing, he went down to the kitchen where he found a note from his parents,“Hiwe’re driving up state to shop for some new plantings for the yard, didn’t think you’d want to comethere are waffles in the freezer. We’re going to stop and visit your uncle on the way back, see you around supper time.Love,Mom”He made himself a plate of waffles and ate them quickly, washing it down with a glass of milk. After breakfast he went out onto the front porch to take in the scenes of the day.

    It was mid morning, the sun was out, people were outside, some were working in their yards, he saw a jogger go by; it was a nice morning. He then returned his gaze to the box of Pampers on the curb near the neighbor’s trashcans. “This is torture” he thought to himself as thoughts of diapers filled his head once again.“I’ve got the house to myself all day” He thought. “I could go upstairs right now and Pamp up”. “Pamp Up” that was just one of his many terms for getting his diaper on. Even though he didn’t have real Pampers, he always pretended that his fake diapers were Pampers, his brand of choice. He didn’t know why, maybe it was because that’s the brand he wore when he still needed them for their intended purpose.

    Maybe it was because of the way the word sounded “Pamp-ers” he said to himself. Even the word itself could get him going; the word “diapers” had the same effect. They were mantras of sorts to him. During his pillow humping sessions he would often repeat those words to himself in his head, sometimes even muttering them softly under his breath until he reached climax, then it would all end, and the shame would rush in.He was conflicted. The pleasure derived from diapers overpowered his sense of “normality” inside himself he felt isolated, always asking the question “why do I like diapersAm I crazy?” and ultimately “Am I the only one?” In time, he would understand that the diapers gave him a sense of calm, safety, and total relaxation, along with the deep sexual satisfaction.

    For the time being, as a 16 year old approaching what many believed to be the male sexual peak, the “sexual satisfaction” component of his diaper fascination was all he could think of.“Diapers!” he thought the word in his head, the feelings had begun to take control of him. As he turned to head inside and up to his room, he was stopped.“Hello?” said the girl.He turned to his left and looked down into the driveway. There, on the other side of the driveway, at the edge of her lawn stood the beautiful red haired girl.“SorryI didn’t mean to startle you” she said.“Whoumm meoh no, it’s ok, you didn’t.I was justummHi.” He replied, fumbling through his words. “God what an idiot I must sound like” he thought to himself.The girl smiled, she knew she had flustered him. This was her intention; she wanted him to be nervous; she could feel his emotions and wanted to experience every single one of them.“I’m the girl next door” She said.“I’m the boy next door” he replied.

    “Nice to meet you” he said.“You too” she replied. “I was wondering if you could help my mother and Iwe’re still getting settled and she wants to move some furniture around” the girl explained. “She told me I should go ask the boy next door if we could borrow his muscles” she said blushing.He blushed as well.“I know it sounds corny butwell that’s what she asked and.I guess I’m corny sometimes too” she told him with a smile.Her smile relaxed him.

    There was something beyond that beautiful red hair, something powerful about this girl. She seemed confidentbut nerdycourageous but bashfulso many things wrapped into one. He felt something else too, a sensation that his feelings were amplified, as if she could sense his awkwardness at the situation, and that feeling, somehow put him at ease.“Oh, ummsure, I’d love to help.” He said.

    “Let me just get my shoes onI’ll be right there” He told her, and rushed inside to find his shoes.He thought this was amazing. He’d been nervous about going next door and ringing the bell for an introduction, and just like that, the red haired girl shows up and introduces herself. “Luck is on my side today” he thought.He quickly found his shoes, slipped them on and ran back out the front door. The girl was still waiting for him right where she’d been standing.“Ok, ready to help.” He said.“Great, come on.” She replied, motioning for him to follow her.They walked across the yard and up her front steps. The girl held the front door open for him and her mother was standing just beyond the doorway.“Hi there, you must be the boy next door?” the girl’s mother said.

    “Welcome to our house, please come in.”“Thank you” the boy said. “I’m happy to help you outanything I can do.”“We just want to move this sofa and love seat to the other side of this room” The mother said, pointing to the living room to the left of the front entry way. “I’m sure my daughter and I could have done it together but I’ve been lifting so many boxes since we arrived that I’m just a bit sore today.” She added.The boy and girl each took an end of the sofa and moved it to its new location, then did the same with the love seat.

    The whole task took less than 10 minutes.“Is that all you needed?” The boy asked when they had finished.“That’s it for nowwould you like something to drinkcoffeetea, water?” The mother asked him.“Oh I’m fine thanks” He replied.There was an awkward moment of silence as the three of them stood in the living room looking at each other.“Soum, where did you move here from?” The boy asked, desperately trying to break the ice.“Glendale” the girl replied. “We were in a smaller house beforemom got a promotion and we wanted a bigger place.” She added.“Well you’ll like it here, this is a nice neighborhood, easy to walk to school” The boy responded. “Oh god I sound like an idiot” he thought to himself again.“Yeah I guess we’ll be going to school together next week” The girl said. “Can I walk with you on Mondayso you can show me around?” she asked.“Oh Yeah absolutely!” He practically shouted. Now he felt really stupid, he didn’t want to sound over anxious but he sure had.

    “I meanyeah,I’d be happy to” He said.The mother smiled, and let out a slight laugh. “Wellthank you again for the helpI’ll leave you two to get better acquaintedif you’d like anything, I’ll be in the kitchen.” She turned and left the room.“So, is it just you and your mom?” the boy asked awkwardly.“Yup, just me and mom.” The girl replied.“Oh umm becauseI mean, that’s cool.” He stammered, he had expected her to say that she had a younger sister after what he had seen the night before. Now he was more baffled than ever.“Becausewhat?” the girl asked.“Huh?”“You sounded as if you had another question?” she said.“Oh, noI was justwondering, because it is a big house andbut you said you wanted a bigger house so that’s coolyeah” He felt like he was making a complete ass of himself.The girl giggled. She was soaking in every one of his emotions.“You’re fun.” She said.“Huh? Ohum thanks” he replied.

    “Wait, did you say funor funny?” he added.“You’re a little bit of both” she answered with a smile. “Come on, I’ll show you my roomwant to listen to some music?” she asked and turned to head upstairs.“Waityour mom won’t mind?” he asked.“Of course notwhy would she?” the girl replied, giving him a funny look.“WellI thoughtyou knowmaybe she wouldn’t want us alone in your room together.I’m a boyyou’re a girl” he stammered.“Yeeeeesss, you are a boy, and I am a girlyou’re right about that.” The girl said, smiling at him. “Don’t worry, my mom is cool.” She said, “Now come on.” She turned and headed up the stairs.Without any more thought, the boy followed. As they reached the top of the stairs, she turned right and opened the first door. As he followed her into the room, he caught a scent that he knew welland loved. It was the smell of Pampersthat lovely talcum scent that was on each diaper.

    He looked up and gasped, the room did not appear to be a teen girl’s room; it looked more like, well exactly like, a toddler’s nursery, complete with crib and changing table, a well stocked changing table. He stood in the doorway dumbfounded.“What’s wrong?” the girl asked. She was standing in front of him staring at his expression with a smile on her face.“Well I.your roomit’s a.” and just as he got his words out the room had changed, it was no longer a child’s nursery, but a typical teen girls bedroom, complete with posters of bands, bed, dresser, various clothing strewn here and there.“It’s aaaaa?” she asked, toying with him.“It’s very cool.” He said quickly, looking around with a confused look on his face. He could have sworn he was looking at a full nursery; even the Pampers scent was gone. “I must be going crazy!” he thought to himself.“Kind of feel like you’re going crazy, huh?” the girl said to him.“What?” he said incredulously.

    “Did she read my mind?” he wondered.The girl giggled. “No, I didn’t read your mind that timewell just then I did, but I could tell by the look on your facetell me, what do you think you saw?” she asked.“You mean?” He didn’t know what to say now; did she really know his thoughtsknow he had seen something?She touched his arm and he felt an instant sense of relaxation.“It’s ok” she told him.

    “You can tell me what you saw.”He paused for a second, trapped by the calm feeling her touch had sent through him. Then he spoke.“I saw a baby’s roomit had a crib and a changing tableand there were”“There were diapers and lots of them.” She finished his sentence for him. “Don’t worry you weren’t hallucinating. I let you see that because I knew you’d want to.”He was in shock; he didn’t know what he had seen for certain or what to say. “How did youI meanwhat isyesterday, I saw.and the diapers by the trashwho are they” He stammered.“They’re mine” she said. “And they can be yours tooif you’d like, and I know you would.” She said with a smile.

    Chapter 4He was a deer in the headlights, standing there in the red haired girl’s bedroom, with his mouth hanging open in complete shock. Had he really heard what she said? Had she really told him that her room was full of diapers, that the nursery he had seen was realthat the diapers belonged to herand that he could wear them too?“Cat got your tongue?” She asked, breaking him out of his trance.“Whaaaa what is this? Am I dreaming?” he asked.“No, you’re not dreaming, you’re here, in my roomyou saw it as a nursery with a crib and a changing tableand diaperslots and lots of diapers, and what you saw was real.” She replied.“How.how.how did you do that?” He asked, still in a state of shock.“Why don’t you sit down” She guided him to the edge of her bed and helped him sit. Then she began her explanation.“I’m going to tell you some things that may sound crazy to you, but I think you’ll see that I’m telling the truthafter all, you’ve seen some strange stuff already right?” She asked.“Uh huh” he nodded.“My mother and Iwe’re what you would callwitches.” She began. “That’s not exactly what we are, but it’s the closest way to describe ourselves in a term that you would understand.” She told him.“Witches?” he asked. “Like withspells and poison applesand turning people into toads?” he babbled.“Not exactly no” she said.

    “We’re actually from another dimension, andwell in our dimension we develop special abilities, we can manipulate the world around uswhat your kind would consider magic.”“I didn’t drink anythingyour mother offered me a drink but I didn’t drink anything right?” He asked. “You didn’t drug meI’m not on some kind of trip right?”“Noyou’re not.this is realmaybe it will help if I show you againstand up please?”He did as she asked and got to his feet.“Here goes” she said, and with a wave of her hands, the room changed before his eyes.He found himself standing before her in the nursery he had seen earlier; the wonderful fresh Pamper scent filled his nostrils once again. The bed he had been sitting on was now a crib, and the dresser was a changing table, well stocked with wipes and disposable diapers. The closet to his right was open, and there on the floor was another large orange and white box of Pampers Ultra Size Large diapers. Unlike the box by the trash on the curb, this box was full of perfect fresh diapers.

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    Just seeing the box got his urges going.“Taaa daaaa” she said, breaking him out of his daze.“It’sIt’s real?” he asked, looking around the room in shock.“It’s realgo ahead, touch anythingtouch the diapersyou know you want to” she said.He walked to the changing table and put his hand on the first stack of diapers in the shelf beneath the table top. He felt the plastic on his finger tips. He picked up a diaper and brought it to his nose, inhaled its fresh scent.The girl giggled behind him. “Love that smell, don’t you?” she asked.“God yes.” He replied. “This is amazing.”“You’ve got a million questions I’m sure?” she asked. “Ask me anything, there’s nothing to be afraid of” she told him.“Well” He hesitated.“Go on, it’s ok.” She encouraged him.“The other nightI was watching” He blushed. “I was watching your window from my houseI’m sorryI didn’t mean tobut your light came on and your shade was up and I could see you.”“I know.” She said with a smile.

    “I wanted you to see me.”He blushed. “WellI also heard youand your motherhow did I hear youand she told you it was time to get ready for bed and you both left the room.but she came back, and you didn’t, and she was carrying a little girlin a diaper.” He told her.“That little girl was me.” She told him with a smile. “You heard us because I wanted you to.”He stood staring at her with his mouth open again, lost for words once more.“We’ve got to do something about your silly expressions.” She told him with a giggle.

    “My mother and I can manipulate realityso like turning this room into a nursery, I can turn myselfor anyone else intowelljust about anythingeven a 6 year old girlor even a baby girl for that matter.” She said. Then she did something even more amazing. “Watch” she told him, and waved her arms again.Before his eyes, she shrank down instantly, becoming the small girl he had seen carried into the room by her mother the other night. Her clothing fell to the floor and she stood naked before him as a little girl.He turned his head away in embarrassment.“What’s wrong?” She asked in a squeaky voice.“You don’t have any clothes onand wellyou’re.”“About 6 almost 7 years oldin form only.” She said, finishing his sentence. “How else did you think I would fit into these baby diapersIt would be a real stretch as my 16 year old self wouldn’t it? She added.“Sowhy 6?” he asked.

    “Why not become a toddler, or a baby?”“Oh I’ve done that, its fun, I just like being a bit olderlike too old to be in diapers, there’s a feeling of embarrassment that I find interesting” she said. “When my mother and I first arrived in your world that embarrassment feeling was one of the first feelings I soaked in from a human. It didn’t give me the kind of energy that your orgasms give me, but it’s an interesting feelingnot sour, like the feeling of shame you have after you finish masturbating in your fake diapers. “He chokedshe new everything about him.“SorryI can read your thoughts, feel your feelingspretty much experience everything you do”. She explained.“You see it’s the emotions I love, the feelings.

    I can read yours and feel yoursand everyone’s. It gives me energyenergy I need to live hereto be able to grow stronger.” She told him.“You don’t seem embarrassed.” He told her.“Ohthis formthis is the form of a little girl that lived next door to us when we first arrived here” she told him. “That girl was embarrassed because she was a bed wetter and had to wear diapers at night timeher brother’s teased hersome of the kids in the neighborhood knew and teased her sometimes too.” She explained.“What happened to her?” He asked.“Nothing, she’s still alive, still wets the bed tooI couldn’t fix that for her unfortunately, even if I wanted to.

    But every night I could feel her emotions as she was diapered for bedher embarrassment of having to wear the diapers, it was a deep intense feeling, it was among the first I experienced here.There was something else though, when she was alone in her room, she actually liked her diapersand as she got older, she started to have new feelings, like the way you feel when you think about diapersand wellI felt those feelings too.” The girl explained.“Seriously? You meanlike she felt good in the diaperslike I do?” He asked.“Exactly” she said.“Wow!” He replied. “I thought I was the only one in the world that got horny from diapers.”“Oh you’re not alonethere are millionsall over the world.” She said. “I can’t feel them yetbut my mother can sense almost all of them, she’s much more powerful than I am.”He was still in shock, taking it all in was a lot for his brain to handle “Soif you can manipulate realitywhy not make the diapers big enough to fit you perfectly as a sixteen year old?” He asked.“I’ve done that too” she smiled. “If that’s what you want it’s as easy as snapping my fingers.”She snapped her fingers, and instantly was back in her teen body, naked before him. His head was spinning; she had no shame, not a care at all that he was practically drooling at the sight of her body.

    She turned, and walked over to the changing table where she picked up one of the diapers stored there. He could see that it was much larger now.“This will fit me perfectlyand you as well I’m sure” she said with a smile.He was becoming aroused at the sight of her standing in front of the changing table, naked, holding the diaper in her hand. He blushed and held his hands in front of his groin.The girl giggled.

    “Don’t be embarrassed, I know what you like to do at nightand you can do it here with me” she said.It was too much for him, he was practically bursting in his underwear.“You need a hand with that baby girl?” The voice had come from the doorway behind him. It was the girl’s mother.“Thanks mom.” The girl replied as she hopped up on the changing table which had grown instantly to accommodate her teen size.The mother walked past him and as she did, gently brushed his upper arm with her hand. “Relax sweetie, you’ll get your turn next” she told him with a smile.He watched in amazement as the mother took the diaper from the girl and opened it.

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